What is Search Engine Optimization?
What is Search Engine Optimization?
Search engine optimization, or SEO, is a strategy to boost website traffic from search engines. The goal is to increase traffic to a website through organic, paid, and direct traffic. If you want to get more traffic, SEO is one of the best ways to do it. There are several aspects of SEO, and some of them overlap with each other. Read on to learn more. If you’re new to SEO, here are some of the basics.
Optimizing a website for search engines can increase your online visibility, generate leads, and drive sales. This type of marketing strategy is free and effective, but it requires time and effort to achieve results. For a business, SEO can generate more sales by increasing its visibility on search engines, and increasing its visibility on social media. High-quality content aligned with the searches of a targeted audience is essential to success. This type of traffic can help businesses sell more ecommerce products, drive more web traffic, and engage with prospects at every step of the customer journey.